September 16 Toronto During question […]
September 16 Toronto During question period at an orientation festival at the University of Toronto attended by 300 students, two members of UTHA asked Ontario Attorney-General Allan Lawrence whether he would favour an explicit clause in the Ontario Human Rights Code prohibiting discrimination against homosexuals. The minister replied that he believed "... a homosexual is a pervert and this perversion should not be legally recognized in any shape or form." (see also October 21, 1971.)
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October 21 Toronto Peter Maloney ran […]All Places
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University of Toronto Homophile Association UTHAAll Monograph
Ontario Human Rights CodeAll Citations
Alexander Schachter, "Lawrence Hits the Gay Boys," Ryersonian (Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto), 28 September 1971, p. 1."Lawrence Rejects Law on Homosexual Rights," Toronto Daily Star, four star ed., 17 September 1971, p. 37;Jim Hickman, "Bigotry Affects the Boys in the Gay Ghetto" (editorial), Ryersonian (Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto), 3 December 1971, p. 3;Raphael Bendahan, "Plato and Allan Lawrence: The Homosexual Controversy," Varsity Supplement (Univ. of Toronto), 18 October 1971, p. 18;