October 24 Toronto The first public […]
October 24 Toronto The first public meeting of the University of Toronto Homophile Association (UTHA) was held at University College. About sixteen people attended. UTHA, the first post-Stonewall gay organization in Canada and the first formed at a Canadian University, was "dedicated to educating the community about homosexuality, working to combat discrimination against homosexuality, and bringing about a social and personal acceptance of homosexuality." It sponsored discussion groups, a speaker's bureau, guest lecturers, and dances, and was officially open to all persons of the University of Toronto (although many people from the wider community became involved). Charles Hill, a student at the University, became the first chairman of UTHA; other early influential members included Jearld Moldenhauer and Ian Young. The Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT) grew out of UTHA at the beginning of 1971 and began to undertake many of its activities, UTHA officially ceased operation in 1973.
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October 15 Toronto A four-line […]All Places
University College University of TorontoTorontoAll People
Ian YoungJ. MoldenhauerCharlie HillAll Organizations
Community Homophile Association of Toronto CHATUniversity of Toronto Homophile Association UTHAAll Citations
Thomas Van Dusen, "Homosexuality" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 14 January 1970, p. 6.University of Toronto Homophile Association (UTHA) papers (82-006) and vertical file, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;Mike Savage, "Police Harass Homosexuals," Excalibur (York Univ., Downsview, Ont.), 1 October 1970, p. 4;"SAC Supports Homosexuals," Varsity (Univ. of Toronto), 5 November 1969, p. 15;Jearld Moldenhauer, "Rewriting History?" (letter), Xtra!, no. 137 (1989), p. 3;Jearld F. Moldenhauer, "Homosexuality" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 9 January 1976, p. 6;William Johnson, "Campus Homosexuals Form Association to Discuss Sex," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 15 December 1969, p. 2;Charles C. Hill, Ian Young, and William McRae, "Homosexuality" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 23 January 1970, p. 6;Charles C. Hill, Ian Young, and William McRae, "Homosexuality" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 14 January 1970, p. 6;Charles Hill papers, 82-015, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Toronto;Gerald Hannon, "First Steps," Xtra!, no. 134 (1989), p. 5;D.F. Hadwin, "Recognition of University Homosexuals Termed a Regressive Move" (letter). Globe and Mail, metro ed., 7 January 1970, p. 7;Margaret Fulford, ed. The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960–1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement canadien des femmes, 1960–1990: guide de ressources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives/Ecw Press, 1992), entry 518;