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February 3 Vancouver Jean Lupien […]




February 3 Vancouver Jean Lupien, vice-president of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation and deputy commissioner-general of Expo '67, was arrested on a charge of attempted gross indecency when he was found at a local hotel in bed with a female impersonator. Lupien's defence was that he believed his companion was a woman. He was found guilty on June 27, 1967 and fined $750 (the other man, Serge Boisvert, was fined $100), but the ruling was reversed by the British Columbia Court of Appeal. The case eventually went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, which reversed the ruling of the B.C. Court of Appeal and found Lupien guilty on November 17,1969.

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Serge BoisvertJean Lupien

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Supreme Court of CanadaBritish Columbia Court of AppealCentral Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

All Citations

David N. Weisstub, ed. Law and Psychiatry in the Canadian Context (Toronto: Pergamon Press, 1980), pp. 300-303.Douglas Sanders, "The Sentencing of Homosexual Offenders," ASK Newsletter, June 1967, p. 3 (reprinted inCriminal Law Quarterly10 (November 1967:25-29)Gary Kinsman, " Official Discourse as Sexual Regulation: The Social Organization of the Sexual Policing of Gay Men " (Ph.D. dissertation. University of Toronto, 1989), pp. 371-74"High Court Upholds Indecency Conviction," Toronto Daily Star, all star ed., 18 November 1969, p. 55