December 21 Ottawa Justice Minister […]
December 21 Ottawa Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced an omnibus bill in the House of Commons, Bill C-150, one part of which would allow for the decriminalization of homosexual acts ("gross indecency" and "buggery") in private between two consenting adults twenty-one years of age or older.
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Lewis Seale, "Code Revisions Would Allow Homosexual Acts between Two Consenting Adults," Globe and Mail, metro ed., 22 December 1967, p. 5.Gary Ralph, "Law Doesn't Keep the Parasites Away: Homosexuals," Toronto Telegram,final ed., 6 January 1968, p. 23Gordon Pape, "Klippert's Case Helped Change the Law, but He Remains in 'Preventive Detention,' " Montreal Gazette, final ed., 26 December 1967, p. 7Vincent Prince, "Sur deux points particuliers du bill Trudeau" (editorial), Le Devoir, 29 December 1967, p. 4"No Place for the State" (editorial), Vancouver Sun, four star ed., 22 December 1967, p. 4"Criminal Code Changes Draw Little Criticism," Montreal Gazette, final ed., 23 December 1967, p. 4