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December Vancouver After the owner […]




December Vancouver After the owner of the building housing the ASK Centre refused to renew the lease, the Centre moved into a former bowling alley at 1268 E. Hastings Street. In February 1968 the Centre moved again, to the site of the old Kitsilano Theatre, 2114 W. Fourth Avenue.

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November 7 Ottawa In a three-to-two […]March 9 Northwest Territories […]August Northwest Territories Everett […]

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ASK Community CentreVancouver

All Citations

"We Wish to Announce the New Centre (as of Feb. 17th)" (advertisement), ASK Newsletter 5 (February 1968): 5.Norma K. Mitchell, "From the President's Desk," ASK Newsletter 5 (January 1968): iGary Kinsman (interviewing Douglas Sanders), "Organizing in the Sixties: ASK: Canada's First Gay Rights Organization," Rites 3 (October 1986): 11, 15